Advent 2021

Join the Choir

Katie Dixon, our new Coordinator of Music and the Arts, is working on creating a children's choir to sing in worship on Christmas Eve. The choir will practice two times - November 28th in the afternoon and December 12th in the afternoon - AND the choir will perform two times - December 19th during Rise and December 24th during the Family Service at 3pm. Please click below to email if your child in K-5th grade would like to participate!

Love Feast and Candlelight Service

December 5th at 5:00pm

You're invited to the Moravian Lovefeast and Candlelight Service held in the Sanctuary, Sunday, December 5th at 5:00 pm. Share in the love and joy of the season through this unique worship service. Coffee and Moravian bread are served as we sing carols and light candles. This service has been a tradition at FUMC since December 1988.

Advent Sermon Series

Long before Jesus was born, his coming was prophesied. Isaiah spoke to a people “sitting in darkness” – they needed help and hope.  He told them God was coming in the person of a child – not what they were expecting – but God’s mysterious way of doing things God’s way!  This child would be named: Wonderful Counselor – for he understands our need and comes to offer healing;  Mighty God – for he comes with the fullness of God’s might and glory even in the flesh of a child;  Everlasting Father – for he brings a vision of God’s eternal plan and mission; Prince of Peace – for he comes to restore peace with God and among all peoples.  On Christmas Eve, we will remember the name given – Emmanuel – God with us – and rejoice.  Join us for worship this Advent-Christmas Season as we name Christmas – Jesus!

Christmas Dinner

On Wednesday evening, December 8th, at 5:30 in the Fellowship Hall, we will celebrate Christmas dinner – coastal style – seafood stuffed potatoes from The Sanitary, salad, and dessert.  You are our guest – no cost – but a reservation will be required by December 6th.  We will enjoy a musical presentation of carols by The Four Calling Birds (Phil and Miranda Routzong, Jordan and Rachel Amburn). 

Journey to Bethlehem

Christmas is a time of journeys.

Long ago a young couple journeyed from Nazareth to Bethlehem - To welcome a child who had journeyed from the riches of heaven into the poverty of a manger - On a mission to redeem the world. On December 19th, you are invited to make a journey with us here at First UMC.

Enter using Bay Street
4:00 - 6:00 pm

From 4:00-6:00pm you are invited to drive through our parking lots pausing at scenes of the first Bethlehem journey - seeing and hearing the announcements of the prophets, God's words to Joseph and Mary, the busy Bethlehem Inn, the shepherds in the field, the angels, the wisemen, and of course, the little baby lying in a manger. Family groups will be setting these scenes; luminaries will light your path. You never have to leave your car! Just room down the window to remember and celebrate the Journey to Bethlehem.

For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given

Isaiah 9:6

Join us for these Advent events.
Middle School progressive lunch will be in The Loft following the MHC Christmas Parade. High Schoolers will travel to Plaza Mexico after attending the Lovefeast. Sunday Night Programming will resume in January 2022. 
The Chancel Choir will sing "Joy Has Dawned" composed & arranged by Lloyd Larson. The message of Christmas is a message of joy - that joy has dawned upon the world - giving us something to celebrate! The Rise Band will perform carols of peace, love, hope, and joy. We anticipate the birth of a savior. Jesus is Born!
The time of year is fast approaching when we give to those who desperately need your help as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, our Savior. With your help, FUMC will adopt 50 families from Project Christmas Cheer. If you would like to adopt a family stop by the church office or contact Doris Wade.

Christmas Caroling

Sing the carols and share the joy of the season as we travel from home to home. All are welcome. We will gather at the church just before 3:00 and divide into small groups and drive in our separate cars to 5-8 houses per group and sing! This is a gift of joy and love sure to bless both those in their homes and those singing. Fa la la la la la la la la...

Order a Poinsettia

We invite you to donate a poinsettia in honor of or in memory of a loved one this Christmas season! The poinsettias will be used in our decorations for the Christmas season. Please complete the order form below by December 12th. Thanks!