Convening General Conference

Global Methodist Church
September 20-27

"Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:19
We are excited to gather clergy and laity from around the world for this historic event, where we will come together to share in fellowship, worship, and decision-making as we shape the future of our denomination.

Our conference theme, "So the World Will Know," encapsulates the core mission of the Global Methodist Church. Inspired by Jesus' prayer in John 17, this theme calls us to share the transformative message of God's love, salvation, grace, and forgiveness with the world—to make disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly.

Through our collective efforts and faithful witness, may the world come to know the boundless love of our Savior and experience the hope and redemption found in Him. Join us as we embrace this mission and work together to fulfill the mandate to spread the Good News to the ends of the earth.
Greetings from Pastor Powell and Pastor Sarah at the GMC in Costa Rica


Good morning! We begin this final day of General Conference encouraged, energized and unified by the Holy Spirit. As we adjourn, we carry with us new hope and new vision for sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.. SO THE WORLD WILL KNOW the transforming power of God's mercy, grace and love.  
We are just a few hours from consecrating our new bishops-elect in a special worship service originally scheduled for 10:30 a.m. CST; however, the Agenda Committee may make changes to the daily schedule that would move our worship service to after lunch. Please stay tuned to this channel; we will publish the confirmed start time as soon as we get it.

EPISCOPAL ELECTIONS • Yet another defining moment in the life of our ministry, and in a new era of Methodism! Here is a quick snapshot recapping the election of six new interim bishops who truly embody the heart and spirit of the Global Methodist Church: Kimba Evariste of the Democratic Republic of Congo; John Pena Auta of Nigeria; Leah Hidde-Gregory of MidTexas; Kenneth Levingston of Trinity; Carolyn Moore of North Georgia; and Jeff Greenway of Allegheny West Annual Conferences.
Continue to pray over these sisters and brothers; for the Lord to guide them in their new leadership roles, and for their ministries to grow even greater in fruitfulness. God bless the Global Methodist Church.
Good morning, friends! Today is the day we honor the man featured in this photo. Please help us congratulate Rev. Keith Boyette, our tireless, globetrotting, Transitional Connectional Officer, as he "sets sail" on retirement following our General Conference gathering here in Costa Rica. We will have a special honoring time at 11:30 a.m. in Talamanca 2 today. We know you'll want to be present for this celebration.

WORSHIP • No matter the language or nationality, the hearts of people called Global Methodist have been joined together in worship this week. Last night we caught another glimpse of heaven's kingdom as the room lifted the name of Jesus in worship and prayer. These moments are changing us and moving us closer to Christlikeness.

Journals containing summaries of our committee work and general action will be printed and posted as soon as they are made available by the Conference Secretary here:
Good morning! Paul writes, "Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." (Eph 5:14) Let us meet the day fully expecting Christ to shine on each one of us as we journey into another full day at General Conference.

Our plenary session will begin at 8 a.m. CST (Costa Rica) / 9 a.m. CDT / 10 a.m. EDT with many more elections to take place today.

Do not miss worship tonight! 7 p.m. We will be led by Sterling Allen and Bristol House of The Woodlands Methodist Church. Rev. Kenneth Levingston of the Trinity Conference GMC will bring a powerful word.

Journals containing detailed summaries of our committee work and general action will be posted as soon as they are made available by the Conference Secretary here:
Good morning! Day four of General Conference will begin at 8 a.m. CST (Costa Rica). Our committees have been working early and late to prepare legislation for the general body to consider.

EVANGELISM — Taking our Wesleyan faith to the streets is part of our call as Global Methodists; sharing the good news of the Gospel, praying for people, and helping those in need. That's exactly what some of our General Conference attendees did on the streets of San José. Here's a quick snapshot of their outreach today.

MISSIONS • While General Conference delegates met in plenary session inside, spouses and other attendees were serving outside — in a small community church in need of roof repairs, paint, and other basic improvements... so the World Will Know the love of God through Jesus Christ
This is the day the Lord has made! Let us be glad and rejoice in it! Day three of General Conference will begin at 8 a.m. CST (Costa Rica) / 9 a.m. CDT / 10 a.m. EDT with worship and message offered by Bishop Scott Jones.

COMMUNION — Today we experienced streams of joy, flowing from eyes across the room, as the Spirit of the Living God descended into our presence during worship this morning. Friends, we shared the Great Thanksgiving with our sisters and brothers from many countries! After the breaking of bread and sharing of the cup, we approached the altar in prayer. Together we caught a small glimpse of heaven.

SPIRIT — Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom! (2 Cor 3:17) Indeed, we are experiencing freedom in the presence of the Holy Spirit. In His presence we are worshiping, connecting, dreaming, praying, and developing the future of our young Wesleyan movement. Day four's committee and plenary work will help bring that future into focus. Stay tuned!
Praise the Lord! Day 2 of General Conference is underway with committee sessions. These are not live streamed, however, we invite you to enjoy highlights from Day one including our Concert of Prayer right here:

COMMITTEES - Legislative committees began the important work of bringing written guidelines that will order the work of ministry in the Global Methodist Church for decades to come. For He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. —Phil 1:6

SERVING — Conference attendees participated in mission and evangelism opportunities that took them beyond the conference walls and into the heart of the local community. One of the day's highlights was a mission team at Alajuelita Methodist Church, where fifteen Global Methodists worked alongside Pastor Denis Aguero and four Costa Ricans on essential repairs. The team focused on repairing the roof and constructing a concrete wall to prevent flooding, ensuring that the church building remains a safe and welcoming space for worship.
OPENING CELEBRATION  |  Our experience at the Colegio Metodista - Oficial was so vivid, we had to share more from our day one celebration and night of worship! What a testament to the truly global nature of our new Wesleyan movement.

This morning, the Transitional Leadership Council gathered and spent powerful moments not only meeting but also in prayer—lifting each other, the upcoming conference, and the entire church before God. Each prayed in their native language, opening their hearts and trusting in the Spirit’s guidance. It was a beautiful expression of unity and faith.
God is here. God is moving.