Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Carteret Long Term Recovery Alliance, The Seaman Center, Ekklesia, Habitat for Humanity, Hope Mission, Rise Against Hunger, the Domestic Violence Center, Salvation Army, Family Promise, Meals on Wheels, Martha’s Mission, Peer Recovery Center, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Christmas Cheer, the High School Assistance Closets, Costa Rica Mission Projects, the Carpenter’s Tools, and the Carteret Youth Passing League

First Methodist Church generously supports the Hospice House by providing a dinner twice a month for both the families and staff. This gesture helps create a sense of comfort and community during difficult times. It can be a home cooked meal or prepared by a restaurant.
The church’s commitment not only nourishes those in need but also fosters an atmosphere of care and compassion. If you’re interested in contributing and would like to be added to the rotation, please contact Margaret Guthrie at margaretguthrie@protonmail.com.
Active Missionaries
Wil Bailey

Wil Bailey is a missionary from North Carolina. Wil studied Spanish and Latin American Studies at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington and received his Master of Divinity degree from Duke University Divinity School in May of 2003. He was commisioned as a full time missionary in May of that year. His wife, Yolanda, is an active, life-long member of the Evangelical Methodist Church of Costa Rica.
Wil went to Costa Rica for the first time when he was 15 years old with a youth mission team. He went back alomst every year until he moved to Costa Rica in 2003. Wil says, "I have known since that first trip that doing mission work in Central America would always be a part of my life." Wil has also been on mission trips to Honduras, Belize, El Salvador, Puerto Rico and spent the Summer of 2001 working with the Methodist Church of Southern Africa in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Wil spent the Summer of 2002 back in Costa Rica living with a pastor and his family in San Isidro. It was over the course of those three-and-a-half months that God showed Wil that there was a ministry for him in Costa Rica. The week before he left to come back to the States to finish seminary, Wil met with Bishop Fernando Palomo in San Jose, and the Bishop invited him to come to work full-time with Evangelical Methodist Church of Costa Rica, as a bridge between congregations in Costa Rica and congregations in the United States.
In March of 2014 Wil and Yolanda were overjoyed to welcome the newest member of the Costa Rica Mission Projects family, Isabella Caroline Bailey Ulloa.
Wil and Yolanda believe that when Jesus washed the feet of His disciples, he taught us, in dramatic fashion, that if we claim to be His followers, we must be servants to one another. Christian service comes in many forms and they believe that they have been called to provide opportunities for churches in Costa Rica and churches from other countries to serve one another and explore what it means for us to be part of a body that extends far beyond the walls of our own individual churches. Their hope is that they might be able to help foster long lasting, fruitful relationships between the congregations who participate in this ministry. It is very important to them that they avoid establishing or reinforcing already existing relationships of dependency, but rather, that the churches involved will discover the benefits of abiding in faithful friendship with one another. They understand the communion that takes place across borders, cultures and languages as a glimpse of God's Kingdom and as a sign of the work of the Holy Spirit among us.
Wil and Yolanda (and Isabella) are looking forward to seeing how, with your help and participation, this ministry and the Kingdom of God will continue to grow.
Wil went to Costa Rica for the first time when he was 15 years old with a youth mission team. He went back alomst every year until he moved to Costa Rica in 2003. Wil says, "I have known since that first trip that doing mission work in Central America would always be a part of my life." Wil has also been on mission trips to Honduras, Belize, El Salvador, Puerto Rico and spent the Summer of 2001 working with the Methodist Church of Southern Africa in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Wil spent the Summer of 2002 back in Costa Rica living with a pastor and his family in San Isidro. It was over the course of those three-and-a-half months that God showed Wil that there was a ministry for him in Costa Rica. The week before he left to come back to the States to finish seminary, Wil met with Bishop Fernando Palomo in San Jose, and the Bishop invited him to come to work full-time with Evangelical Methodist Church of Costa Rica, as a bridge between congregations in Costa Rica and congregations in the United States.
In March of 2014 Wil and Yolanda were overjoyed to welcome the newest member of the Costa Rica Mission Projects family, Isabella Caroline Bailey Ulloa.
Wil and Yolanda believe that when Jesus washed the feet of His disciples, he taught us, in dramatic fashion, that if we claim to be His followers, we must be servants to one another. Christian service comes in many forms and they believe that they have been called to provide opportunities for churches in Costa Rica and churches from other countries to serve one another and explore what it means for us to be part of a body that extends far beyond the walls of our own individual churches. Their hope is that they might be able to help foster long lasting, fruitful relationships between the congregations who participate in this ministry. It is very important to them that they avoid establishing or reinforcing already existing relationships of dependency, but rather, that the churches involved will discover the benefits of abiding in faithful friendship with one another. They understand the communion that takes place across borders, cultures and languages as a glimpse of God's Kingdom and as a sign of the work of the Holy Spirit among us.
Wil and Yolanda (and Isabella) are looking forward to seeing how, with your help and participation, this ministry and the Kingdom of God will continue to grow.
An update from Missionary Will Bailey in Costa Rica. We send a team each year to serve at the mission and ministry center and many of our teams have worked on the projects that he is giving us updates on in this video. If you are interested in joining our CRMP team for Summer of 2024 please reach out to Pastor Sarah. Interest meetings and signups will be coming soon!
Heart 2 Heart Ministry India
Jeff, Lisa, and Rebecca Harlow

Jeff, Lisa, and Rebecca Harlow moved to India to establish Heart 2 Heart Ministry India in 2024. They have partnered with Eloheim International Ministries and More Than Enough Ministries that have been doing ministry for he past 17 years. Please continue to pray for the ministry. If you want to contribute to this ministry you can write a check to Jeff Harlow and send it to the care of Steve Elmore, 6705 Green Forest Lane, Pfafftown, NC 27040. On the memo line of the check please write Heart 2 Heart. All funds will help further the ministry.
Heart 2 Heart Newsletters
Join the mission
Costa Rica Mission Projects
July 19-26, 2025
Please be in prayer for our CRMP mission trip this summer. We are taking a team to work with Wil Bailey and build relationships for the greater mission of God's kingdom.
Please be in prayer for our CRMP mission trip this summer. We are taking a team to work with Wil Bailey and build relationships for the greater mission of God's kingdom.