The Unlikely Characters of Christmas

Of course, the Christmas Story is all about the baby Jesus and Mother Mary. But what about all the other characters moving in and out of the story? What about Joseph? Who are these lesser-known participants like Zechariah and Elizabeth? Has anyone ever thought about the shepherds and the inn keeper? And who wants to even acknowledge King Herod? Join us this Advent and Christmas season as we reflect upon some unlikely people caught up in the story of Jesus.


First Methodist adopts 50 families from Project Christmas Cheer each year. They are adopted by individual, Sunday School classes, and other groups. Those not adopted are shopped for by the church shoppers. In addition to the gifts purchased by the persons who adopt the family, we furnish a box of food for each family. Call the church office or Doris Wade and Lisa Chappell with any questions!
What can you do to help?
1)Adopt a family or child
2) Give to the Christmas Cheer Fund to purchase food and gifts for those not adopted.
3) Help Deliver on December 16th

Love Feast and Candlelight Service

December 3rd at 5:00pm

Order a Poinsettia

We invite you to donate a poinsettia in honor of or in memory of a loved one this Christmas season! The poinsettias will be used in our decorations for the Christmas season. Please complete the order form below by December 12th. Thanks!

Chancel Choir Cantata

Festival of Christmas - December 17th

Celebrating the joyful news of Christ’s birth, the Chancel Choir will perform Mary McDonald’s “Festival of Christmas” which features the exciting and inspiring music of the season. Incorporating more than a dozen well-known Christmas carols and five original songs, the story unfolds through music and narrative. We invite you to the Festival of Christmas on Sunday, December 17th at 8:30 and 11:00 am in the Sanctuary.

Children's Cantata

December 10th

Children and Youth Christmas Cantata will be held on December 10th at 5:00pm in the Sanctuary.

Adopt an Angel

The time of year is fast approaching when we give to those who desperately need our help as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, our Savior. With your help, First Methodist will adopt 50 families from Project Christmas Cheer. If you would like to adopt a family stop by the church office or visit the table in the Atrium.

Children's Advent

Kids check your mailbox!

You will Find the Baby! Advent books are being mailed to families with children 12 and under. It is a wonderful way for families to get ready for the big day!

Joy to the World!

Sunday, December 17th
3-5 PM
Meet in the church parking lot and we will divide into groups and then travel from home to home singing carols and delivering poinsettias.. All are welcome.  This is a gift of joy and love sure to bless both those in their homes and those singing.