Project MHC Workday

August 27th

Project MHC Monthly Work Day!
We are still Many Hands for Christ. Saturday, August 27th at 9:00 am, we are going back to Champion Drive to replace the deck where we built the ramp. We need a lot of hands! Contact Jim Buckingham for details.
After Project MHC, we became aware of a family living within a few blocks of the church that really need a handicap ramp. We love that Project MHC is starting to bear good fruit in our neighborhood. This year, we worked with Rev. Bill Snow, the pastor at the AMEZ church a few blocks from us, to source projects that were within walking distance of the church. We have prayed about having a greater impact on the area right around us and I think we are starting to see it. This couple saw what FUMC was doing at a neighbor's house and felt comfortable coming into our office and asking to get on our list for next year. After meeting the couple, Jim and Sarah feel called to help now! They are trying to set up a work team for Saturday morning, July 9th. A dream team of about 5 or 6 could knock it out in a day (according to Jim and he is the ramp building master). Jim already has a plan and can help lead. Let us know if you are available and interested! And if you have a friend who wants to be a part of it, bring them on! If you can't do the 9th, but want to be involved in other one-day mission opportunities, let us know because we are working on other projects for later in the summer. God is doing big things in our church and in our community and I hope you will all prayerfully consider helping us be his hands and his feet for our neighbors!