Ready, Set, Go!



Passing the Baton

“Batons” are racing through our community from household to household. Attached to these “batons” will be packets containing pledge cards for the 2022 Mission and Ministry and the Capital/Debt Reduction Budgets of First United Methodist Church. The pledge card invites you to express your generosity in estimating your giving for 2022.  After you prayerfully complete your pledge, you pass the “baton” to the next household. Don’t let the “baton” drop! Coaches will be encouraging us in this race of generosity. If we work together, we can finish the “race” and equip the ministries to which God is calling us in the new year. Ready, Set, go!

Pass the Virtual Baton with the Online Pledge Form

Ready, Set, Go!

Submit your 2022 Pledge online! This statement of intention may be revised should circumstances make it necessary.

Schedule Recurring Gifts

Ways To Give

Give Online

FUMCMHC offers online giving through Subsplash Giving. Give through our website, app, or text FUMCMHC to 1-888-364-GIVE (4483)

Give In Person

Put your donation in the offering plate during our Sunday services or drop off your gift at the church office located on the second floor.

Mail A Check

First United Methodist Church, 900 Arendell Street, Morehead City, NC 28557

Have questions or need help?

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.